
Importance of Digital Marketing


Importance of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the method of promoting brands to connect with worldwide customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication. This includes emailsocial media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.

Marketing of any type can help your business grow. But, digital marketing has become increasingly important with every passing day, especially, post covid, because of how reachable digital channels are. In fact, there are more than 5 billion internet users globally.

From different social media platforms to text and multimedia messages, there are so many ways to use digital marketing methods in order to communicate with your target audience.


So, here are 6 of the many reasons explaining the importance of Digital Marketing in simple word:



Digital marketing is remarkably less expensive than any other marketing mediums. Specific cost varies from product to product as what exactly you want but total ad spend is considerably lesser than any other marketing methods. Long time ago, may be ten years back or even pre covid times, it was a luxury to promote your brand or products as the marketing was very expensive and not every one could afford it. Nonetheless, through Digital Marketing, it has become easier for any business- big or small to showcase their products and brands on various channels, with any budget and sometime even without any budget. It is completely on their ability to make a good use of the technology.


As correctly said by The Berners-Lee, “The power of the web is in its university. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.”.

The basic rule of branding is – ‘Go Where Your Audience Hangs.’ While we understand the importance of Digital marketing in today’s era, we should be aware that most of our audience is online, and so, Marketing on different digital platforms will help in reaching out to the maximum of your audience.

The reach of Digital Marketing is global so along with your brand being recognised globally, you can take orders for your products from all over the world and don’t have to stick to only a particular area. Also when you go global, you can still select niche your audience to selected individuals. And so, it’s a win-win situation for you and your brand.

You may not be aware but more than 90% of the population of the world owns a smartphone and are most likely to use their device for news, jobs, education, shopping, social networking and many other activities, and this number is increasing with every passing day.

Digital Marketing helps you reach them while they are at the comfort of their spaces and doing any of the other activities online. With digital ads on social media, email marketing, text and multimedia marketing- you are actually in front of your audience while they use differ apps on their smartphones. There are many forms and uses of high quality digital marketing, including banner ads, email marketing, content marketing, and social media posts. Thus, by learning how to creatively market yourself digitally, you open up a wide range of possibilities for future publicity strategies.

 With digital marketing, you also have the flexibility of testing and stopping poorly performing campaigns in real time.


Brand Awareness


Placing your brand on different search engines like google, yahoo etc and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc will not only help you reach to the maximum audience but, will also help in building a reputation for your brand that will be recognised globally and not just in a particular area.

Digital Marketing helps your create awareness of your brand and its USP i.e. Unique Selling Proposition. If a customer doesn’t know about your brand then there kis no possibility of any kind of sale and so branding and recognition is very important aspect of branding which you can do smoothly through Digital Marketing. There are a variety of paid and other promotion strategies that will help you attract your audience and thus helping you promote your business with considerable number of conversions irrespective of the size of your business. Post covid, many of the consumers do their shopping online and with differ digital marketing ads you can easily reach out to them and get their attention.


Interactive Media


Customers tend to engage more with marketing materials that combine multiple types of content, including photos, video clips, and audio. It is far easier to incorporate all these content types into digital marketing than any other type of publicity – and it is very important.




Digital marketing helps you communicate directly with the your audiences who see your content, through comments on your posts or website, messages directly on your chat options, reviews on google, and social media posts. This helps them understand that you value their opinions and feedbacks and are always willing to improve and appreciate their efforts. This leads them to feel respected and part of the brand you’re creating. It also allows you to gather invaluable information on customers’ reactions and preferences.

An established company’s image is everything. The right campaign methods and strategies can make or break your company’s brand image. Through digital marketing, effective campaigns can be designed and the scope of fixing any glitches immediately is better.

As we all know, brand image is very important for any business and with digital marketing, you will know about both positive and negative reviews, which will help you make your brand better, attract new customers and retain old customers.


We all know that Digital marketing helps you communicate with your audiences, but do we know that it helps attracting more audiences through their internet activities?

Yes. Digital Marketing lets you track your audiences’ activities. You can monitor which ads and content they have been seeing shortly before making a purchase.

This helps you in strategizing the most effective way of marketing to attract them and more audiences like them. Digital marketing also helps you track your competitor’s ads and activities that they are running which again helps you improve your marketing skills and enhance your strategies.


Digital marketing makes it easy to comment on issues and controversies that relate to your product or your industry. In this way, you can establish yourself as an authority on such topics, leading readers to trust you, come back for more information, and eventually make a purchase. Digital marketing allows you to come off as the industry expert that you are and will instil trust in your business.



There was a time when developing and implementing marketing campaign ads meant running ads on television and radio, and placing print ads in newspapers and magazines and pasting banners all over the town and on huge billboards. However, as the world of commerce steps toward a digital marketplace with every passing day, businesses now have the opportunity to expand their reach and connect with their market and audiences through Digital Marketing methods.
Any modern brand that wants to get ahead in the current business era will need to adopt digital marketing strategies as part of their overall marketing tactics. This doesn’t mean that traditional print ads are of no use, especially if your business is already experiencing great response from these types of ads. However, by using digital marketing tactics in combination with your current traditional marketing strategies, your business can start to optimize your campaigns for maximum results creating more brand awareness and globalising your reach.


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